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Zoë Camper - March 2024

Artist Bio

I am a practicing artist, founder, and CEO Zoë Camper LLC – my art and art-wear/tech company. I Co-Founded the Augmented Society Network, and am an Elected Fellow of The RSA (Royal Society of Arts). I am a London native, but I live in Fabulous Las Vegas.

Everything starts with an idea, a story, and my pencils (my favorite medium). My work falls into different styles and categories including fantastical landscapes, portraiture, and conceptual works. I have worked with AI, Cryptography, and secret or disguised ways of storytelling, as sources of inspiration. I am inspired

by built environments, fantasy, and simply experimenting with different types of structural elements. I love playing with what is real, what is made-up, or partially obscured, and combining that with stories, people, characters, and technology.

I also use cryptography to track and manage provenance of my artworks as it’s essential that buyers have confidence in its authenticity.

I taught, for many years, at the BBC Academy, and hold a Post Graduate Cert of Education in Design Technology as well as Hons Degree in 3D Design.

Follow Zoë at @zoeacamper

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